Block All Youtube Ads by Three Methods in Every Web Browser
Youtube is biggest Video sharing website. But this website have lots of annying ads,video ads and much more. SO here I explain you how can get rid of this ads. Block this ads save your data and time.
Here I give you a two solution , so you can block youtube ads easily in every browser you have.
Adblock removes any ad videos shown before your video.
Adblock also block all videos which shown in side of your videos.
Downlod Youtube ADBlock for Chrome
Here I give you a two solution , so you can block youtube ads easily in every browser you have.
In Chrome.
Chrome has a extension named Adblock for Youtube. This chrome extension removes the video ads from all youtube ads.Adblock removes any ad videos shown before your video.
Adblock also block all videos which shown in side of your videos.
Downlod Youtube ADBlock for Chrome
In Mozilla Browser
If the Above extensions and addon not work in your browser try these trick to block youtube ads.
- Open up a YouTube video (any will do).
- Open up the developer console (Ctrl-Shift-J for Chrome, Ctrl-Shift-K for Firefox)
- Enter the following code
document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=oKckVSqvaGw; path=/;";window.location.reload();
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